Polio Australia
Aimed at providing general information to polio survivors, family, friends, organisations and other stakeholders.
Polio Health
Aimed at delivering clinical information to health professionals and other interested parties.
Still Here
Still Here website is a blog-style webpage with stories from polio survivors and media articles featuring Polio Australia.
Australian Polio Register
The Australian Polio Register was established by Polio Australia in 2010 to gather information on the number of polio survivors living in Australia today. Polio Australia encourages all polio survivors living in Australia to add their name to the Register.
Touched By Polio
“Touched by Polio: from casts to catharsis” was an art exhibition which reflects on the often evoked “torture” associated with childhood polio and transforms that painful memory into a thing of value and/or beauty – much like the lives of Australia’s polio survivors who became artists themselves, or family/friends of the artists who created each unique exhibition piece.