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Chronic Illness Alliance has developed a free course for women of all abilities, talents and skills to identify and use these to find or return to employment, whether it is paid or voluntary. By following the steps in each section, you will be able to recognise how skills like time-management, or your ability to think outside the box can be translated into employable attributes. There are activities and resources which will enable you to get work-ready, write your resume and apply for jobs, shine in an interview and use your skills in your next role.
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An occupational therapist: enable people to maintain overall health and the highest level of lifestyle independence by enhancing personal life skills, adjusting the environment, and adjusting the task itself. They may be able to help you set up your work space.
Visit Polio Australia's Health Professional Register to find an appropriate general practitioner in your area.
Can't find a health professional in your area? This list is still growing, and there might not yet be a registered health professional in your area. Please check on the peak body websites to find a health professional: