Donations and Bequests to Polio Australia help ensure that all polio survivors in Australia have access to appropriate health care and the support required to maintain independence and make informed life choices. Polio Australia is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Health Promotion Charity and a Deductible Gift Recipient making all Australian donations over $2 tax deductible. Polio Australia will issue an official receipt for all donations received.

Donations Bequests Fundraisers

You can make a one-off donation or a recurring donation via any of the following methods:


Please make cheques out to Polio Australia Inc and post to: PO Box 2799, North Parramatta  NSW 1750

To ensure your donation is correctly credited please click here to download, complete and then forward this donation form with your cheque

Electronic Funds Transfer

Bank: Westpac
Branch: Parramatta, NSW
BSB: 032-078
Account Number: 555766
Account Name: Polio Australia Incorporated

To ensure your donation is correctly credited please email your EFT transaction details to Polio Australia

Credit Card or PayPal

Your credit card donation is securely processed by Stripe or PayPal on behalf of Polio Australia. (If you choose PayPal, you do not need to have your own PayPal account.)

Please click here to donate by credit card.

Rotarians can pay by credit card (processed by Stripe) by clicking here.

If you wish to set-up a regular donation, you can either set up a recurring direct debit with your financial institution,
or click here to establish a recurring donation by credit card. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Why do you need a Will?

Without a Will you have no control over how your assets are distributed after your death. This is done by an Act of Parliament and so the people you care for may not be looked after as you would wish. Did you know that 30% of people die without leaving a valid Will? Using either a solicitor or Will Kit you can make a Will which should be reviewed periodically to remain effective. A current Will ensures that your changing personal circumstances are taken into account in your estate planning.

Why leave a Bequest to Polio Australia?

Polio Australia receives limited money from government sources and depends almost entirely on philanthropic grants, donations and bequests. Polio Australia has grown into the organisation that it is today because of the support of the many people who believe in its purpose and objectives and are committed to ensuring its future through their time and finances.

To develop Polio Australia into the future, we need your assistance. Through a bequest in your Will you will be able to ensure that the work of Polio Australia will continue for the benefit of polio survivors.

In particular your bequest can help to:

  • maintain an effective and viable secretariat
  • provide for the employment of office personnel
  • develop further services for polio survivors
  • assist in developing an effective communication network

Types of Bequests

There are a range of types of bequests all of which will benefit Polio Australia.

  • An unrestricted bequest is the most common and provides a specific amount to be expended by Polio Australia for any purpose it deems appropriate and necessary at the time.
  • A restricted bequest leaves either a dollar amount or specific asset with a stipulation on how the funds will be used, for example, salaries or individual assistance to polio survivors.
  • A residual bequest leaves Polio Australia a share of the entire remainder of a person’s estate after specific legacies, debts, taxes and estate expenses have been provided for.
  • A Testamentary Trust is used to provide income to beneficiaries during their lifetime. Upon the death of the last beneficiary the principal of the Trust passes outright to Polio Australia.

There are other possibilities which should be discussed in consultation with a legal adviser.

What to do

  • In consultation with a solicitor or adviser, make a Will or review your Will.
  • Consider making a bequest to Polio Australia and determine the type of bequest which best suits your circumstances and wishes.
  • Include a specific bequest to benefit Polio Australia in your Will.
  • If you would like to make a bequest, you should contact your solicitor or trustee for advice. For your information, as shown below, Polio Australia is incorporated in NSW under the Associations Incorporation Act and is an authority holder under the Charitable Fundraising Act. Polio Australia is recognised by the Australian Taxation Office as a Health Promotion Charity and endorsed by them as a Deductible Gift Recipient (Number 53 620 396 311).
  • Naturally your Will is confidential. However, if you decide to include a bequest to Polio Australia and are willing to let us know, we can thank you personally for your generosity and forethought.

If you would like any further information, just get in touch to see how we can help.

Click to download the above Bequest Information as a PDF [File Size: 601.2 KB]

Click to download our Bequest Charter PDF [File Size: 531.5 KB]

Birthday Fundraiser

Instead of receiving gifts this year, consider hosting a birthday fundraiser for Polio Australia.
Click this link to get started:

Thank you for supporting Polio Australia to help polio survivors – every donation makes a difference.

Incorporation – INC9889902

ABN – 53 620 396 311

ARBN – 142 977 053

ACNC Registration – 53 620 396 311

Authority to Fundraise – CFN/20953